Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Commish's Corner - June, 20th

Commish Corner - June, 20th
June is almost over and County Fair is just around the corner. I hope everyone is enjoying the summer.

A few updates from the County. First, Daley Farms in Lewiston will be hosting the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce annual Family Night on the Farm. It is Thursday, June 21st. It is an opportunity to see Winona County's ag highlighted.

Several updates to the County. First, we choose to opt out of  the 12 County SE MN Redesign effort, and investigate where we can cooperate with counties that fit more seamlessly with Winona. We currently share a Community Health Director with Fillmore. With the purchase of EDocs, computer software, we will find more opportunities to work with other counties.

Winona County's Economic Development Authority (EDA) has been reenergized and is moving forward in a positive direction. Currently, Jason Gilman has taken the lead. He has already, or is slated to, meet with the area banks to educate them on our County EDA and how it can benefit our business community. Jason is also reaching out to other EDAs to see how we can leverage our efforts for the entire County

The WC EDA has worked with St. Charles and have 2 official applications for the Revolving Fund for $55,000 for 2 businesses. Additionally, another application will be reviewed this week to receive monies from the revolving fund.

The WC EDA is trying to get out the word that we are there for area businesses. If you have any questions as to how this can benefit your business, please contact either Jason, or our new EDA Director - Natalie Siderious. They are excellent resources.

One last item - if you visit the County website, you will see it is updated. We hope it is easier to find what you need. If you have ideas, feel free to send them to us. We want the site to be as user friendly as possible.

I hope to see many of you at the Daley Farm where you can celebrate Winona County Agriculture.

Please contact me with any questions or comments for the County. Citizen feedback is important and valuable.