Monday, July 23, 2012

Commish's Corner July 16th

Evacuation Protocol

            Last week we had an excellent County Fair. I hope all who wanted, were able to get out and enjoy it. The kids are the topping on the fair – sharing the product of their hard work with the community.
            It seems every few years storms come through the fair forcing an evacuation. If you happened to be on grounds last Friday, you experienced another. Our new Emergency Manager, Jeff Kirkey, was on site monitoring the weather, among other things. He made the decision to clear the fairgrounds, and in a little over 30 minutes, we had everyone out in an orderly manner.
            This evacuation went extremely smoothly. This was Jeff’s first fair, and he is analyzing the protocol to improve upon it. Kudos go to the Emergency Management team on a well-executed plan. As it turns out, the storm split and did not hit the grounds, but there was no way to predict this. In cases such as this, it is better to err on the side of caution.
            In conversation with Jeff over the weekend, I told him he and his team did a great job. In our discussion, it was good to hear how he is getting out and working with the other agencies such as the Sheriff and St. Charles Police. This highlights the culture our County is working to achieve – collaboration and cooperation.
            Just a couple other things that came up at the fair: I have written about several of these items before, but there continues to be misunderstanding about some very important issues at the county. Despite many approvals, clear code guidance and available staff for questions, questions and misinformation continue to arise on the subject. For example, it IS easier to build on less than 40 acres under the new Ordinance than it was under the old. I encourage people to call our Planning and Environmental Services Director, Jason Gilman, or Eric Johnson, to get clarification on how the Zoning Ordinance affects them. There were many other misunderstandings with it and its impact on us. We are continuing to look at and analyzing what is working and where we want to tweak it. Is it perfect? No, but we need to remember no document is.
            Rain in in the forecast, and hopefully it will arrive soon.
            If you have any questions or comments on the county, please contact me.

Mena Kaehler