Thursday, August 30, 2012

We are setting up our Website, click below to get to it. Photos are still being uploaded.

I am looking forward to greeting all the District 3 citizens in the upcoming weeks.
Thank you to the many that have thrown their support to me - especially Bruce Speltz. It is incredibly uplifting and enjoyable when a former opponent and I are now working on the same team!

Here are some other great shots at parades and events:
Gladiolus Days:

The bottle calf was a great hit! Too bad you can't see the Super H that John N let us use! Thanks, John.

Goodview Days:
The kids were sure happy to hear that at the next parade, they could ride on the wagon!

Rollingstone Days:
 Getting the banner ready:

Lined up and ready to roll. Awesome Oliver - Thanks, Tom and Olivia!

A sandal mishap - good thing zip ties are so versatile!

Winona County Fair:

 Little did Cliff's college buddies know what they were getting into when they stopped on their cross country trip!

 Thanks, guys, for your help.

Final K-LER Cattle/County Commissioner booth. I forgot to get in the photo.

 2011 Gladiolus Days Parade:

A riding Steer??!!
We purchased the ribbon in the Winona Co 4-H Blue Ribbon Auction. 

Aug 29 Commish Corner

What does Non-Conformity Mean?

            The Great MN Get Together is in full swing. If you did not have the opportunity to attend 4-H weekend, you still have a few days to go celebrate with fellow Minnesotans.
            There still exists misinformation about the updated Winona County Zoning Ordinance (WCZO). People have contacted me about concerns on aspects such as the 40-acre density & the “Non-Conforming” language. Their perception was not accurate, and they were relieved once they had the facts.
The latest in misunderstanding is what “Non-Conforming” means. Yes, it is in the WCZO. That is because the state requires counties to address non-conformities in their ordinances. The old ordinance had Non-Conforming language as well.
Non-conformities are non-conforming uses or structures that may have been constructed prior to certain regulations or permit requirements. For example, say a feedlot was in the center of town before zoning. If the town later adopted an ordinance, which listed the area as residential, the ag use would not be “conforming”. Once the ordinance was adopted, that feedlot would be allowed to continue, but it would be listed as a “non-conforming use”.  Additionally, structures may fall into similar situations.
Winona County’s old ordinance also had sections related to non-conforming uses and structures. The updated WCZO has basically the same ones. The board made a concerted effort to work with structures that sat on bluffs and steep slopes setbacks. To address this, we developed the Rural Heritage overlay district. If these parcels were legally built under the old ordinance, they are exempt from the new setback rules.
There are concerns that property values were affected due to the updated WCZO. Steve Hacken, our County Assessor, can be contacted to assure you that that is not true. He can be reached at: 507-457-6300.
Check the ordinances from all counties, and they have similar language. So, if there are issues with non-conformities regarding values, titles, deeds, banks, etc., they would be issues for all of counties.
Another constant misunderstanding regards the number of acres needed to build a home. Every Zoning Ordinance needs a density standard, ours is 40 acres. You can build on less than 40 acres in Winona County with a conditional use permit which in part, assures protection of prime farmland. In fact, we had a couple from Whitewater Township request to build on 1 acre. They want to farm with parents. It made sense to build near the existing well and stay out of prime ag land. The couple was asked why they did not build on the part of the farm that was in Wabasha County. Their response was, “It is too restrictive. There you need 80 acres to build.”
For some reason, misinterpretations continue to surface. I encourage people to check the facts with our County personnel. Jason Gilman and Eric Johnson are always willing to explain the ins and outs of how the ordinance works. They can be reached at: 507-457-6335, or via email at: and . We want the citizens to understand how the ordinance is applied.
To all students: I hope the year goes well for you. Education is an opportunity to better yourself. I hope you take advantage of it.
If you have any questions or issues on the county, please contact me.
Mena Kaehler

August 13 Commish Corner

State Fair & Sand

            The fall-like temperatures were a welcome relief for many, after enduring scorching heat. Some of us, including me, melt in the humidity. I am always thankful for cooler weather.
            August is almost half over – which means state fair, fall sports, and school are just around the corner. Next Wednesday, our State Fair 4-Hers head to the Great MN Get Together. The kids are honing their showmanship skills and getting final clipping done with their livestock, carefully packing their projects and their suitcases. Winona County is always well represented. If you have not had the chance to visit the fair, I encourage you to do so. If you take the opportunity to go, try to attend during the 4-H days. There you will see our next generation proudly presenting their work. 
            All of the State Fair happenings can be found at the website:
            One other update has to do with the sand mining. This Thursday, the Nisbit sand mine request will come before the Planning Commission. This is the first Conditional Use Permit request to come before them since the moratorium on intensive sand mining was lifted in May.
            Another related, but separate project is the proposed sand facility east of St. Charles. Many have heard about it. To date, no official project has been presented to the Township, City or County. Additionally, the presentations have changed over time. The new owners are holding public informational meetings to let everyone know their thoughts and intentions.
One piece of the puzzle is the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). It has been determined by the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) that the County can be the Responsible Government Unit (RGU) for the EAW. (Sometimes I think we live in an alphabet soup.) At any rate, the concerns about proper oversight of the EAW have been alleviated by the EQB. The applicants have submitted a formal request to the County to serve as the RGU, which will be determined next month by the Winona County Board after Planning Commission review August 16th. This project amplifies how very vital correct information is. It is up to the new owners to present a complete and accurate project to the community. Until that is done, there are rumors and opinions that are driving discussion. Please understand that NOTHING has been officially proposed to the County. If and when it is, we will carefully vet the project with facts and data, as we do with all permits.
This week should be an enjoyable weather week. I hope students take advantage of the last few days of vacation. Perhaps clean the house without your parents asking. That would be a great end of summer surprise!
Please contact me with any questions of concerns about the County. I do appreciate all citizen input. If we are unaware of a situation, there is little we can do about it. Citizen involvement has been especially high with regards to our sand industry.
Mena Kaehler